Freitag, 28. April 2017

DOAG 2017 Datenbank Präsentation: DBAs, SECURE YOUR LISTENER!

Präsentation während der DOAG 2017 Datenbank, die von Dienstag, den 30. Mai 2017 bis Mittwoch, den 31. Mai 2017 in Düsseldorf stattfinden wird:


This presentation is a review of the numerous features available to secure access to the
listener's configuration, decide who gets to connect to your databases and from where, and
prevent outsiders from connecting to your databases or obtaining information about them.
It will include demonstrations of some of those features, built from real-world experiences of
that crucial subject. Attendees will leave with
- technical know-how on the listener
- examples of listener security configuration
- undocumented tips learnt from real-world experience

Der Vortrag findet am Dienstag, den 30. Mai 2017 um 13:15 Uhr statt.

Der Referent ist Frank Dernoncourt


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