Donnerstag, 22. April 2021

DOAG 2021 Datenbank Präsentation: Parallel Execution Pitfalls and Fallacies


Präsentation während der DOAG 2021 Datenbank, die von Montag, den 17. Mai 2021 bis Dienstag, den 18. Mai 2021 Online stattfinden wird:

Parallel Execution Pitfalls and Fallacies

From a performance point-of-view, parallel execution is one of the most powerful features of the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database. But, with great power comes complexity. Even though most of that complexity is hidden to the person writing SQL statements, there are specific issues I frequently see people being confronted with.
The aim of this presentation is to go over a number of pitfalls and fallacies related to topics like the index maintenance following parallel DML statements, parallel execution hints, the data distribution among parallel execution server processes, and the parallel validation of constraints.

Der Vortrag findet am Dienstag, den 18. Mai 2021 um 14:00 Uhr statt.

Der Referent ist
Christian Antognini, Trivadis, ORACLE ACE Director


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