Montag, 6. April 2020

DOAG 2020 Datenbank Präsentation: Patch like a hero

Präsentation während der DOAG 2020 Datenbank, die von Montag, den 25. Mai 2020 bis Dienstag, den 26. Mai 2020 in Düsseldorf stattfinden wird:

Patch like a hero

It is hard to believe, but Oracle RDBMS is a software and it has a lot of bugs, security breaches as all software produced in the world it must be patched as part of a routine and believe on me, hundreds of DBA doesn’t have a habit of patching their databases. Patching databases is part of DBA duties, to correct some current bugs , to avoid hit some of them and to correct some current bugs that you may have hit on your databases. Oracle releases patches by quarter and the goal of this presentation is show some tips and tricks to help DBAs and developers how to patch the databases, some issues that we can face and how to workaround it.
We will take a look on opatch features, datapatch and some tricks to safe patch your systems.

Der Vortrag findet am Dienstag, den 26. Mai 2020 um 15:15 Uhr statt.

Der Referent ist Rodrigo Mufalani, Luxembourg Oracle User Group

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