Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2019

DOAG 2019 Datenbank Präsentation: Introducing Oracle Database 19c

Präsentation während der DOAG 2019 Datenbank, die von Montag, den 03. Juni 2019 bis Dienstag, den 04. Juni 2019 in Düsseldorf stattfinden wird:

Introducing Oracle Database 19c

CAVEAT: This session is forward focused and based on the current time line. Hence it is hinging on the release of the product and is assuming the naming convention to follow the current yearly release cycle.

Introducing the latest Database from Oracle: Oracle Database 19c. Oracle Database 19c is currently slated to be a "Long Term Support Release" meaning there is good reason for many customers to consider upgrading to Database 19c as older database versions including 11x and 12x will be moving into desupported mode.

This session will cover what's new in the database and provide some additional good reasons to consider the database upgrade to 19c

Der Vortrag findet am Dienstag, den 04. Juni 2019 um 14:15 Uhr statt.

Der Referent ist Sean Stacey, Oracle

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